Sunday, July 26, 2009


So I call my preacher and tell him I need to come talk to him. Of course he says ok. I go to his house on the same Monday and give him all of the information. I told him I needed a neutral party to tell me what I needed to be thinking about or any questions to ask. He said the only thing he could think of was to ask about the utilities. Would they want us to pay for some of the bill? I thought hmmmm...maybe that was going to be the catch in this whole thing. We talked a while and ended with prayer. The prayer was either for God to open the door or let it be closed. I went home with my mind spinning!!!!!

The next day my phone rings and it is the man from the building. My first thought was they had changed their mind or something had gone wrong. I answer. Do you know what he asked me? He asked me if we had changed our mind about the building. Huh? It hadn't even been 24 hours since I had talked with him. I told him no but I had just talked with my preacher the night before and we were still trying to sort things out and think. His next words to me were, "Well I already have the power company coming tomorrow to turn the power on." SERIOUSLY!?!?!?!? I asked him about paying the utilities and he told me they would not charge me. To me that was my answer. I have always said if I ask God to show me the answer to something, I need Him to smack me in the face with the answer to make sure I see it. If the power being turned on in the building, not having to pay the bill, and being asked if we had changed our mind wasn't a smack in the face, I don't know what would have been!!! I immediately called my preacher back and told him. For those of you who don't know him, he is never speechless. I can honestly say he was speechless. I believe his words were "Wow." That is about all you can say. We made arrangements to meet at the building on Wednesday and look at it and finalize everything. My husband, little girl, my preacher, and I met the man around 8:30 a.m. to look around. When the door opened, I could not believe it!! It was nothing but a huge open room with a cement floor, tables, chairs, bathrooms, kitchen.... It was PERFECT!!!! Of course my mind had been on overdrive since Monday. One thing I thought about was that I was going to need trays for people to carry their food on. When we went in the kitchen and the man shone the flashlight around because the power wasn't on yet....yep you guessed it...trays!! Probably about 75 of them. Refrigerator - check. Freezer - check. I am telling you, I was in awe of our God!!!! Everything was working out perfectly. We talked to the man and I told him if we were probably just going to start off with one day a week. If the need was there we would do it more if that was ok. He said, "Why would it not be ok" and laughed. He said the only time they had to have the building was once a year for the annual fair and then a weekend for a dinner and that was it. SERIOUSLY!?!?!??! He kept telling me to do whatever it was we wanted to do. The building was just sitting there empty and noone was using it. My husband asked him if they would care if we shared the Gospel. "Why would we care?" was his answer. Again, we were speechless. This was nothing but God working with no other explanation. The only stipulation was that we not say who was letting us use the building because they did not want the recognition. I want to take this time to thank these men and ask you to please remember them in your prayers. Thank God for selfless, loving, giving people!!! Well, now we have a building and pretty much free reign over whatever we want to do so the work begins. Oh yeah, did I tell you that the building happens to be in the city that I had a burden for? Seriously.

1 comment:

  1. God is able to do immeasurably more than we can think or even imagine- Ephesians 3:20. I heard somebody say a long time ago that God doesn't call the able, but He enables those that He calls. He is enabling you, girl. Seriously. =)


About Me

I am very blessed to be the wife of a wonderful, Godly man and the mom of a beautiful, fiesty, intelligent, little girl. In the last two years, God has really worked in my life and this blog is a way I hope to give Him praise and honor for the blessings I have received.