Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Meal Two

Meal two was a success!! We had double the amount of people as last week. 17 total!! We also took BBQ around the neighborhood. The Gadsden Times also came by and interviewed me. Can't say that I have ever been interviewed before...(except by the State at work and that doesn't count). We asked for suggestions on days to serve next month. The consensus was Saturdays. That is the only day that none else serves a meal. I have been thinking about doing Saturdays from the beginning. That way, anybody that would like to help but can't because they work would be able to. We'll see!!

I also want to say a big thank you to my good friend Lois and SSS. They donated a lot of baby food for the kitchen. Three little babies would like to say thank you to them for their meal yesterday!! :o)

Also thank you to my friend Gracie for my first blog award!!!!!!

Next week's meal.....spaghetti.

1 comment:

  1. You're so sweet.I did nothing,you do so much.I'm proud of you Nelly.


About Me

I am very blessed to be the wife of a wonderful, Godly man and the mom of a beautiful, fiesty, intelligent, little girl. In the last two years, God has really worked in my life and this blog is a way I hope to give Him praise and honor for the blessings I have received.