Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"Thank you for the food"

I can't believe it has been over 2 months since I have posted anything...I will try to do better.

Twelve Baskets is continuing to go well. We have been averaging around 30 each Monday. That includes the take outs to the ones that don't have a way or can't come.

Yesterday, I had an interesting message left on my phone from someone who had asked us to bring some food to her because she did not have a way. She does live a little bit out of the way from where we are but I decided we could take her some this time. On one particular call, she left a message and after it she called me and the workers a couple of colorful adjectives and then said, "They won't hear that." and hung up. I let my good friends in the rubber room at work listen to it and they were shocked!!! (As was I...) I wasn't mad about it really...just didn't quite know how to respond to it. My friends gave me some advice about how they would handle the situation if it was them. About 20 minutes later, she called again. I told her that I wanted her to know that I did hear what she said on my voicemail and that we were there to help her. I told her I realize it can get frustrating when I can't answer the phone every time she calls. I was very professional with her and not ugly in any way. She said she understood and hung up. I felt better about it and that I handled it well. Later, you guessed it, she called back two more times. The last time she just wanted to tell me "thank you for the food."

I know when you are involved in a ministry like this, there will be people that try to take advantage of what you are doing. This is my first expierence with this type of situation happening with this ministry. I know it will probably not be the last either. Even though that may happen, the number of people that truly appreciate what we are doing is a blessing!! We may not feed hundreds of people every Monday and that is ok. God knows what we can handle and who needs to be there on what day. We will continue to do what we know God has called us to do and stay faithful!!

A sign on a local church caught my attention the other day and on that particular day, I really needed to see it....God provides all our needs one day at a time. Love it!!!!

I almost forgot to mention.....this Saturday Green Valley Baptist's youth will be coming to serve a special Saturday meal at Twelve Baskets. I am so excited to see another church willing to come out & be part of this ministry.The Alabama Baptist also interviewed me a couple of weeks ago and the story will be in this week's issue!!!

Till next time.....

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About Me

I am very blessed to be the wife of a wonderful, Godly man and the mom of a beautiful, fiesty, intelligent, little girl. In the last two years, God has really worked in my life and this blog is a way I hope to give Him praise and honor for the blessings I have received.